Super Powers

December 10, 2012 at 4:10 pm Leave a comment

Let’s continue to go through my 30 days of questions, shall we?

If I could have a superpower, what would it be?


I don’t really consider this a super power because it’s more of Harry Potter reference, but if I could travel by Floo Powder or Apparate to places, that would be a dream!




It’s not that I hate traveling, I just hate the time it takes to get places. Think of all the time we waste just getting ourselves from one place to the next. It’s probably years of our lives!

If I could cut out that time then I could be more productive with those years. Plus, I could travel to Europe on the fly, like head there for a lunch break and then be back home by dinner time. There would be no need for hotels and money to fund the travel, just money to get around once I was there. It’s BRILLIANT!!

Just a reminder to head over to Little Fockels for updates on our baby!

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We’re Expecting… Pet Peeves

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