Football Widows Come In.

September 4, 2012 at 7:21 pm 1 comment


It’s true friends. Brace yourselves. If you’re like me then you too are a Football Widow. You understand sometimes football season is a bitter/sweet time of year. Since 2007, I have learned to love football a little more every season. It’s a good thing too since I married a man who bleeds Green and Gold. Sometimes I dread Sunday because I want to hang out with my husband and he forgets he’s married, but sometimes it’s nice because it means I can go shopping without my husband dragging me down telling me not to buy stuff I don’t need.

It’s the time of year where some of us women become “widows”. We lose our husbands every Sunday, Monday night, Thursday night, and sometimes even Saturdays. They disappear for hours on end and only come up for a beer or food. They return to their basic maleness with grunts as a means of communication and nesting in their man caves.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy watching football with my husband, but there are days when I might like to actually go out of the house on a Sunday and you know, maybe enjoy some of the crisp fall weather. I know, I must be crazy!

Here’s some advice: Husbands love it when you stand in front of the TV during the most critical point in the game like when their team is just a field goal away from winning.

I’m only kidding friends. I love my husband enough to not do that to him, but I will nag him if it’s been about 6 hours and he hasn’t even gotten up to walk out potential blood clots in his legs.

I love fall. I love absolutely everything about this season. It’s by far my favorite time of year and I am so excited that it is upon us (well, in like 18ish days). Here’s a list of things I love and you must read the list because you are reading my blog:

pumpkin spice lattes

cooler weather

changing leaves

fall decorations

making a warm stew or soup to fill you up and make you warm

lighting candles around the house

Halloween candy popping up around stores (and filling various bowls around our house)

wearing jeans and a sweater

baking again (not that I don’t bake in the summer, but it gets so hot I’m not eager to do it)


And even Halloween. I probably love Halloween more than I should as someone who loves Jesus. I realize it’s got Satanic undertones with people talking about witches and vampires, demons, and blah, blah, blah. I just don’t think of it like that.

I like to think it’s more about the candy and the fun night out of the house. Think about it, as a kid what could be better than staying up past your bedtime, being allowed to leave the house in your princess costume (as opposed to your mom telling you no because people will stare), and your parents telling you to go collect candy from all your neighbors? Um, hellloooo? Best. Holiday. Ever.


That’s what I love about it. I also love going to the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, enjoying a hayride, and watching scary movies.

I have an unnatural desire to scare myself poopless. It’s just not normal. I will watch a scary movie. Alone. And in the dark. It’s the most ridiculous thing ever, but I will do it to up the scare factor. I just love a good scare. It makes my life seem so normal comparatively.

The only bad side effect is thinking that there are creatures living under our bed which makes me feel like I have to run and jump into it so as to keep said creature from grabbing my ankles. Or holding my pee in the middle of the night because of the psycho who lives in our shower at night. Or thinking that regular house noises are someone coming into our home to kill us. Which in Baltimore could be a very real possibility actually.





Now I’m going to go to Pinterest to pin fall stuff like it’s going out of style. Happy Tuesday!




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Conquering Fear Quinoa Mac and Cheese

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Zombies and Moustaches « Meet the Fockels  |  September 7, 2012 at 12:19 am

    […] in our mailbox yesterday. This was for various reasons. I love Fall as previously mentioned in this post, I just renewed my subscription when it ran out in June, so this was my first issue in a few […]


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